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Supporting the Oral Language Skills of Children with English as an Additional Language - 23LCAU18 (Aoife Merrins-Gallagher)

This webinar has been specially designed and developed for primary teachers of children with EAL. Over the course of this one-hour workshop, attending teachers will develop evidence-informed and practical skills to support oral language and literacy in linguistically diverse contexts. An array of handouts and resource-sourcing guidelines ensure informed, competent and equipped practitioners post webinar participation.

Learning Outcomes

Webinar participants will be enabled to:

✓   reflect on current oral language and literacy knowledge and practices

✓   define and justify the need for oral language and literacy for children with EAL

✓   explore oral language and literacy development strategies

✓   acquire a bank of activities to support the language and literacy development of children with EAL

Facilitator: Aoife Merrins-Gallagher (B. Ed, MTeach, PhD)

Biography: Aoife Merrins-Gallagher qualified as a primary school teacher in 2013. She taught in mainstream and support settings in Scoil Íde, Clondalkin, before commencing full- time doctoral research between 2018 and 2022 (DCUINTO150 PhD Scholarship). In that time, Aoife developed a bilingual oral narrative programme, Tell-a-Tale | Inis Scéal, in response to the academic needs and linguistic strengths of children with EAL. Aoife currently job-shares in Gaelscoil Phortlaoise and lectures part-time for MU Froebel. She is a member of Mother Tongues Ireland, English Language Support Teachers’ Association of Ireland and Children’s Research Network. Her experiences as a teacher, lecturer and researcher can demystify the world of EAL for workshop attendees.

Book online at and a webinar link will be emailed to you on the morning of the webinar. Please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive the link in your inbox.

Please note that all courses will require viable numbers to proceed. If you have any queries regarding your online booking, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This webinar is hosted by Mayo Education Centre. The information you provide when registering will be shared with the host centre and the centre through which you booked and can be used and shared by them in accordance with their Terms and Privacy Policy, which is available on their website.

Course Details

Course Date 19-09-2023 7:00 pm
Course End Date 19-09-2023 8:00 pm
Cut off date 18-09-2023 11:55 pm
Facilitator Aoife Merrins-Gallagher
Select Hours 1
Location Live Webinar - Online
Categories Primary

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