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  1. Register for the course here on our website.  
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  3. After registering through the ZOOM LINK in that email, you will then receive a second email confirming your booking and containing important information about joining the webinar.  

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Managing Challenging Behaviour in Classroom with Annette Ormond - 24LCAU30 (Facilitator Annette Ormond)

Managing Challenging Behaviour in Classroom with Annette Ormond - 24LCAU30 (Facilitator Annette Ormond)

Target Audience: Primary Teachers, Post-Primary Terachers & SNAs

A practical course looking at the functions of behaviour and giving practical, easy to implement ideas to try manage challenging behaviours in the classroom. We will look at how to use the continuum of support to meet the needs of those who display challenging behaviours and will examine resources that may help. We will also examine the effectiveness of a whole school approach to managing behaviour and give tips for this. This course would also be suitable for SNA’s

Facilitator: Annette Ormond, Grad Dip. SEN, M.Ed ASN

I am a primary teacher working in schools for the past eighteen years. I am a passionate lifelong learner and am currently completing a Masters in Educational Leadership through Waterford Institute of Technology and studying towards a degree in psychology with the Open University. I have completed many different courses in the area of educating students with Additional Needs and I have significant and varied experience in the area also in SET, Special class teaching and work external to schools I am working in. I believe wholeheartedly in the difference we can make in the lives of people with many additional needs through our understanding and our knowledge. I worked with the Dyslexia Association of Ireland for eight years, as a tutor on the SNA course with UCD and as a lecturer with Hibernia College on the Inclusion and Diversity module with the PME students.  I was awarded the IATSE Testimonial and Award for excellence in Support Teaching in 2017 when studying in University College Dublin and the Louise Madigan Bursary Award for research in education in 2021. I worked as a member of the ILSA Executive Committee.

Book online at and a webinar link will be emailed to you on the morning of the webinar. Please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive the link in your inbox.

Please note that all courses will require viable numbers to proceed. If you have any queries regarding your online booking, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This webinar is hosted by Monaghan Education Centre. The information you provide when registering will be shared with the host centre and the centre through which you booked and can be used and shared by them in accordance with their Terms and Privacy Policy, which is available on their website.

Course Details

Course Date 16-09-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 16-09-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 15-09-2024 11:55 pm
Facilitator Annette Ormond
Select Hours 1
Location Live Webinar - Online
Categories Primary, Post Primary, SNA's

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